It’s a rocky road

…but we’re a 4x4 team

The Greenhouse Finance
3 min readMay 18, 2021

Against the obstacles

To be frank… almost everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. But we fought off all the way and we’re still here. For those who jumped in on the train mid-way, here’s a quick summary of all the bumps and how we handled them so far:

Preparation for the launch was extremely difficult due to the many Testnet issues. The faucet wasn’t giving any test FTM and there were no test AMMs to create LP tokens.

Just a few days before opening the Presale, MetaMask users faced issues being unable to conduct some transactions. We came up with a quick way around it and later that day, for more convenience, we set up a last minute landing page, which allowed users to interact with the smart contract, despite the MetaMask bug. Read our previous article for more details.

On top of that, the withdrawals from Binance were disabled and bridges didn’t have any liquidity, so it was extremely difficult to acquire FTM.

During the first 2 days of the launch, Fantom was experiencing serious issues across the whole blockchain. In order to keep up, we had to switch RPC’s, sometimes couple of times a day. Although it helped in most of the cases, it was all we could do at the time.

We also encountered minor visual problems in the frontend, which didn’t occur during the tests, mainly due to the reasons listed above.

Despite all that, the Farm is up and running with nearly $1,000,000.00 TVL. We’ve also implemented an Emergency Withdraw which allows users to unstake LP at any time but causes them to lose all pending harvest (i.e. it will never be minted).

Having said that, we feel like we’ve addressed most of the issues in the quickest and best way possible. Wrongly displayed APRs are now fixed and there’s no more problem with incorrect icons.

RPC bugs causing hiccups on transactions and increased GWEI requirements seem to be resolved and it looks like withdraws from Binance are possible again. In the meantime, the updated MetaMask is fully functioning with no problems.

It’s been 4 long days for all of us, both devs and farmers, since the launch but there are still new things ahead of us.

Getting the traction

It seems like the storm is now behind us, Fantom is finally working properly and we hope that eventually, it will claim its rightful position among the other well-established blockchains such as BSC or MATIC, for what it definitely has potential.

Since most of the pressing matters have been addressed, it is time for us to set a new course. The platform is running smoothly with few minor frontend bugs for which the fixes are on their way. Now the key for pushing things forward is to build a proper scale for the project. Attracting new users is crucial as increasing the TVL is currently our main objective. It’s the primary factor that will help us push the price of SEED up, parallel to all of the already implemented solutions, such as Anti-Whale, Harvest Lockup, periodical burns, and Emission Rate reductions (for more details refer to our Docs.)

We encourage all Farmers to invite everybody to the project. It’s a great time to jump in, considering the fact we’re in the very early stages of both The Greenhouse and the Fantom Network. We count on your help but don’t worry… We’ve got our part covered as well.

Apart from a few potential partnerships coming along, we decided to make a small giveaway of SEED to promote the Farm. Make sure to follow us on Twitter for more details later today.

And should you have any questions join our Telegram Group.



The Greenhouse Finance

Fantom Opera blockchain yield farm. Where the money grow on trees.